Coffee Recommendations

The following list of coffees come recommended from multiple members of the discord. We have tried to provide some starting parameters as a baseline for each bean where we have the data. Some of these coffees are going to be easy extractions and others are going to require some more barista skill. We have mostly included blends in this list because they are often in stock year round and keeping track of single origin coffees as they rotate stock would be difficult. If you have suggestions for this list please let someone in the Cafe Regular, Connoisseur or Staff roles know.

A note on Extraction Forgiveness: These are estimates based on our experiences with these coffees. a 1 is going to be very forgiving and beginner friendly. A 2 is going to be a little bit trickier to extract well but should still get good results fairly quickly. 3 and above is starting to get into light roasts and your parameters and puck prep is going to start becoming more important. As time goes on your taste may also evolve, and you could consider exploring while keeping certain things consistent from one bag to the next - for example, if you like a medium Yirgacheffe, try it light roasted. Or explore various roast profiles from the same roaster. Or start playing with the ratios and temperatures more.


Roaster Bean Roast Level Espresso Ratio Filter Ratio Temperature Good for Milk Drinks Extraction Forgiveness (1:Forgiving – 5:Hold my Portafilter) Notes
Cafe Lusso GMC Medium/Medium-Dark 1:2   Hot Yes 1  
Ruby Roasters Creamery Blend Medium 1:2   Normal Yes 2  
Proud Mary Ghost Rider Light 1:2.5   Super Hot   3 Let this age for 10-14 days off roast
Proud Mary Honeysuckle Light 1:2.5   Super Hot   3 Let this age for 10-14 days off roast - out of stock as of 1/23
Onyx Monarch Light-Medium 1:3     Yes 2  
Stumptown Holler Mountain Medium 1:2   Normal Yes 1  
Mother Tongue Bittersweet Medium-Dark 1:2   Normal Yes    
Mother Tongue Mugshots Medium 1:2-1:2.5   Normal Yes    
Black and White The Classic Medium-Dark     Normal Yes 2  
Black and White The Natural Medium     Normal Yes 2  
Black and White The Original Medium-Light     Hot   2  
Kurasu Aki Urara Medium-Light   1:17 Hot   1  
Kurasu House Blend Light Medium-Light   1:16 Hot   2  
Tiong Hoe Smoky Quartz Medium-Dark 1:2   Normal   1 Age at least a week or two
Mother Tongue Banko Gotti Medium 1:2.5 36:500 (Hoff FP) Hot   2 great from roast, blueberry bomb
Mother Tongue Eyasu Worasag Medium 1:2.5   Hot     great from roast

Price per gram

The following list of coffees shows the price per gram and cup based on an 18g dose.

Roaster Weight Price Cups Cost/gram Cost/Cup
Nespresso Pod 3rd pty   $39 120 N/A $0.33
Self Roast 360 g $8.00 20   $0.40
Keurig [96]   $33 96 N/A $0.34
Self Roast 360 g $9.00 20   $0.45
Self Roast 360 g $10.00 20   $0.50
Self Roast 360 g $11.00 20   $0.55
S&W Roasting 300 g $12 16 $0.04 $0.75
S&W Roasting 300 g $13 16 $0.04 $0.81
S&W Roasting 300 g $15 16 $0.05 $0.94
Nespresso Pod OEM   $82 100 N/A $0.82
Coffee collective 4wk sub 750 g $52 41 $0.07 $1.27
SEY 4 bag sub 1000 g $72 55 $0.07 $1.31
Nespresso Pod OEM   $13 10 N/A $1.30
Coffee collective 2wk sub 500 g $37 27 $0.07 $1.37
XBloom DrinkGlobal 250 g $18 13 $0.07 $1.38
SEY 3 bag sub 750 g $58 41 $0.08 $1.41
Tim Wendelboe 3 bag sub 750 g $61 41 $0.08 $1.49
XBloom DrinkGlobal 250 g $20 13 $0.08 $1.54
XBloom [32] 480 g $40 26 $0.08 $1.54
H&S Sub 500 g $42 27 $0.08 $1.56
Onyx 250 g $22 13 $0.09 $1.69
September Sub 500 g $46 27 $0.09 $1.70
Proud Mary 250 g $24 13 $0.10 $1.85
Onyx 280 g $28 15 $0.10 $1.87
SEY 250 g $25 13 $0.10 $1.92
XBloom [32] 480 g $50 26 $0.11 $1.92
XBloom [8] 120 g $13 6 $0.10 $2.17
September 250 g $20 10 $0.10 $2.00
XBloom [32] 480 g $55 26 $0.11 $2.12
XBloom [32] 480 g $60 26 $0.13 $2.31
XBloom [8] 120 g $16 6 $0.13 $2.67
Onyx 280 g $40 15 $0.14 $2.67
September 200 g $29 11 $0.15 $2.64

The following list of coffees shows the price per gram and cup based on an 15g dose.

Roaster Weight Price Cups Cost/gram Cost/Cup
Nespresso Pod 3rd pty   $39 120 N/A $0.33
Self Roast 360 g $8.00 24   $0.33
Keurig [96]   $33 96 N/A $0.34
Self Roast 360 g $9.00 24   $0.38
Self Roast 360 g $10.00 24   $0.42
Self Roast 360 g $11.00 24   $0.46
S&W Roasting 300 g $12 20 $0.04 $0.60
S&W Roasting 300 g $13 20 $0.04 $0.65
S&W Roasting 300 g $15 20 $0.05 $0.75
Nespresso Pod OEM   $8 10 N/A $0.80
Nespresso Pod OEM   $82 100 N/A $0.82
Coffee collective 4wk sub 750 g $52 50 $0.07 $1.04
SEY 4 bag sub 1000 g $72 66 $0.07 $1.09
Nespresso Pod OEM   $11 10 N/A $1.10
Coffee collective 2wk sub 500 g $37 33 $0.07 $1.12
XBloom DrinkGlobal 250 g $18 16 $0.07 $1.13
SEY 3 bag sub 750 g $58 50 $0.08 $1.16
Tim Wendelboe 3 bag sub 750 g $61 50 $0.08 $1.22
XBloom DrinkGlobal 250 g $20 16 $0.08 $1.25
XBloom [32] 480 g $40 32 $0.08 $1.25
H&S Sub 500 g $42 33 $0.08 $1.27
Onyx 250 g $22 16 $0.09 $1.38
September Sub 500 g $46 33 $0.09 $1.39
Proud Mary 250 g $24 16 $0.10 $1.50
Onyx 280 g $28 18 $0.10 $1.56
SEY 250 g $25 16 $0.10 $1.56
XBloom [32] 480 g $50 32 $0.11 $1.56
XBloom [8] 120 g $13 8 $0.10 $1.63
September 250 g $20 10 $0.10 $2.00
XBloom [32] 480 g $55 32 $0.11 $1.72
XBloom [32] 480 g $60 32 $0.13 $1.88
XBloom [8] 120 g $16 8 $0.13 $2.00
Onyx 280 g $40 18 $0.14 $2.22
September 200 g $29 13 $0.15 $2.23

Data provided courtesy of ODD